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Dave Boyle’s White on Rice

Last night we saw Dave Boyle’s White on Rice, a wonderful comedy that portrays its Japanese characters without fear or assimilation.

In the Q & A, Boyle explained the Japanese actors wrote their own dialoge. I asked if the Japanese actors also wrote their own English dialogue, the delivery of humorous lines was that good. Watanabe has a master’s sense of comedic delivery in American English. Nobody could have been surprised when Watanabe confessed I love American sitcoms.

Oh, and don’t tell my fiance, but I am totally infatuated with Aiko.1

For your delectation, a few tchotchkes:2

Picture of Johnnie Wilcox with Hiroshi Watanabe

Image of Promotional Poster for Dave Boyle’s _White on Rice_

1 The character, not the actress.
2 The horrible halo around the picture of me and Watanabe is due to my roughly selecting our images in the foreground and blurring the distracting vending machine in the background. Better shooping next time, I promise.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2009 9:04 AM.

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