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Win $40,000 in the DARPA Network Challenge

red weather balloon

DARPA is marking the 40th anniversary of the Internet by announcing the DARPA Network Challenge

a competition that will explore the role the Internet and social networking plays in the timely communication, wide area team-building and urgent mobilization required to solve broad scope, time-critical problems.

The challenge? Be the first to locate ten red weather balloons, each moored in readily accessible locations and visible from nearby roadways.

The Internet is fun again.

Comments (2)

My teams website http://www.spotbigred.com is ready to accept balloon locations by phone, TXT, web form and iPhone App. We are offering multiple prizes for each balloon, not just the first spotter.

My team, DeciNena, will win because we have the best technology, the coolest name, and are cupcake-free.

We are even offering to share some of the prize money with participating team members who don't find a balloon themselves!



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