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A Drink in Every Bar in San Francisco

An ambitious project» to see if one person can actually drink at every bar in the City. I laud the unnamed principal’s decision to start with bars in the Tenderloin because if anyone in SF deserves libation props it’s bar-goers in the Tenderloin.

The principal also doesn’t appear to be a drunken sot and seems to have her wits about her. In response to a commenter about her slow pace, the principal explains

I want to experience every bar in San Francisco, but there is no time limit. If I tried to average more than three a night, I would lose my job and therefore my funding for this project.

Case in point: On Sunday, October 11, Every Bar in SF wrote up five bars. They haven’t posted since the end of that week.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 6, 2010 2:57 PM.

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The next post in this blog is On Demand Designated Drivers.

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