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Glue to Make It All Stick Together

Michael Sippey bullets a few speculative points on possilbe Apple-branded services. I like his last bullet in particular.»

Today music; tomorrow everything. At launch iTunes.com will support buying, discovering and enjoying music, but eventually it will be the place where you discover and enjoy all types of digital content.

When I think about this possibility, I’m reminded of YDAU:

Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment: InterLace Telentertainment, 932/1864 R.I.S.C. power-TPs w/ or w/o console, Pink2, post-Primestar D.S.S. dissemination, menus and icons, pixel-free Internet Fax, tri- and quad-modems w/ adjustable baud, Dissemination-Grids, screens so high-def you might as well be there, cost-effective videophonic conferencing, internal Froxx CD-ROM, electronic couture, all-in-one consoles, Yushityu nanoprocessors, laser chromatography, Virtual-capable media-cards, fiber-optic pulse, digital encoding, killer apps; carpal neuralgia, phosphenic migraine, gluteal hyperadiposity, lumbar stressae. (60)

Infinite Jest
David Foster Wallace

Wallace, David Foster. Infinite Jest: A Novel. Boston: Back Bay Books, 1996.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 13, 2010 8:15 AM.

The previous post in this blog was 7.0 Quake Levels Port-au-Prince.

The next post in this blog is Twisted C from Priori Acute.

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