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Next Irregularly Periodical Roundup of Frenzied Apple Table Speculation

Can you feel it? The frenzied hype machine? The blistering urgency to just get your eyes and hands on the device of the decade, the one that will forever change how we read texts?

As long as I’ve been watching Apple, the rumors about Apple’s tablet device» this go-round feel palapably different. John Gruber puts his finger on its pulse when he notes

The situation is uncannily similar to the run-up preceding the debut of the original iPhone in January 2007, including many of the same engineers and software teams at Apple — such as those who built the iPhone Mail, Calendar, and Safari apps — disappearing into a black hole.

The Tablet
John Gruber

If you don’t have time to read anything except one more thing about the tablet, read Gruber’s remarks about The Tablet OS. Peering at the opaque black box of Apple product development, Gruber intuits the most important point of what we all know is coming, which is that If Apple’s starting with a hardware size where the iPhone OS can’t be used one-handed, then [. . .] they’re designing a new interaction model.

Apple Tablet Frenzy Roundup


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 5, 2010 11:22 AM.

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