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On Demand Designated Drivers

If you don’t use public transportation and undertake to have too many drinks in every bar», you can call these guys.

Born of a noble cause,1 Zingo exists in the interstice between municipal financial interest, motor vehicle safety, and alcohol abuse awareness, what Althusser would recognize as a materialization of ideology.


1 According to the WTVJ report

The man who runs Zingo out of their headquarters in Atlanta has special motivation[. . . .] Years ago, he was driving drunk and killed his best friend, so he sees Zingo as a way to make amends.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 6, 2010 3:15 PM.

The previous post in this blog was A Drink in Every Bar in San Francisco.

The next post in this blog is Remember That Naked Man You Saw in the Window at Vallejo and Mason When You Were Riding the Cable Car in Late Summer 1991? He’s Sorry..

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