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Stop (Hyping) the Violence

On the last day of 2009, The San Francisco Chronicle inexplicably noted Violence Dominates 2009 Headlines, a self-indictment given that with three days left in the year San Francisco was on track in 2009 to have its lowest murder rate in 50 years.

Despite that SF was more peaceful than it had been in half a century, the SF Chronicle hyped the year as one of its most violent. Great going, SF Chronicle.

Buy the fear and stay for the Kool-Aid.

Here’s hoping that in 2010 the editors at the Sf Chronicle heed their ethical obligation to provide news about the real world in which we live rather than writing ledes that bleed and, in the process, distorting reality to look like a first-person shooter.gore »


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 1, 2010 2:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The Global Warming Skeptics vs. The Scientific Consensus.

The next post in this blog is Speaking of Shooters.

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