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Give Someone You No Longer Love Crabs

Well, quality revenge is hard to come by these days but we have a method that is so insulting and disgusting that you should never wish it on anyone never mind actually go and do it and we dont encourage you to. All we do encourage you to do is give us money and we will send you a package in the mail with tiny, purple dots in it… those are crabs, and they need only be sprinkled on the bedding or clothing of the one you once loved the most to ensure he/she sufferers the fullest wrath of those genital lice.

product information for Crab Revenge

I can’t imagine Crab Revenge ships to the States. Even if they did, purposely exposing someone to parasites is probably illegal in nine kinds of ways. What scares and horrifies me is not that such a service exists» but that there are people who would use it.

The first sentence quoted above is a minor miracle of evasion, one I don’t buy given the name of their domain.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2010 3:15 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Let’s End This Party Right.

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