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Go Speed Racer Go: Avoid Speeding Tickets by Wearing a Monkey Mask

Man Avoids Speeding Tickets by Wearing Monkey Mask

[Dave Vontesmar] was issued over 90 camera speeding tickets but failed to answer them. Upon close inspection, the photos all show the driver of his Subaru vehicle wearing a monkey mask or giraffe mask.

Mr. Vontesmar disputes these tickets on the grounds that they do not prove that he was actually the driver of the speeding car, and the Arizona Department of Public Safety is going bananas. They even arrange for police offices to conduct surveillance of him and claim they can prove that he is the masked man.

Literalizes» the idea drivers are made monkeys by speed cameras. In other news, Arizona is eliminating speed cameras on its highways.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2010 10:10 AM.

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