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Jakob Nielsen on iPad Usability

Nielsen has a few things to say about usability and iPad. One choice bit reads

iPad UIs suffer under a triple threat that causes significant user confusion:

  • Low discoverability: The UI is mostly hidden within the etched-glass aesthetic without perceived affordances.
  • Low memorability: Gestures are inherently ephemeral and difficult to learn when they're not employed consistently across apps; wider reliance on generic commands would help.
  • Accidental activation: This occurs when users touch things by mistake or make a gesture that unexpectedly initiates a feature.
iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing
Jakob Nielsen

But seriously, you know you’re going to download and read Usability of iPad Apps and Websites: First Research Findings, the Nielsen Norman Group’s 93-page initial report on iPad usability.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2010 10:44 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Administration Responds to Protestors’ Concerns.

The next post in this blog is Amazon Gathers and Publishes User Highlights.

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