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Microsoft Largely Irrelevant to Technological Innovation

Microsoft has problems delivering technical innovation in everything from HTML/CSS/JavaScript standards compliance to operating system updates to mobile OS development».

John Gruber expresses much of what’s on everyone’s mind when he rightly identifies Apple’s over-the-air shortcomings and identifies the magnitude of Microsoft’s inconsequence.

Relying upon a PC is ipso facto not “post-PC”, and the challenge for Apple is that they’ve never demonstrated the sort of expertise needed to do this via the cloud. Over-the-air syncing, backup, and system updates need to be something that “just happens”.


The big loser this week, though, was Microsoft. They’re simply not even part of the game. RIM looms large, as BlackBerrys continue to reign as the best-selling smartphones in the U.S. But Microsoft? They’ve got nothing. No interesting devices, weak sales, and a shrinking user base. Microsoft’s irrelevance is taken for granted.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 24, 2010 2:45 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Foucault’s Pendulum Irreparably Damaged.

The next post in this blog is DJ Lea Luna - Pretending To Be Holy & In Control of Some Unknown Something or Other Involving Sound Equipment or Mutated Furniture Scabbed Together With Parts From Gurneys, Abandoned Motorcycles, Polyester Resin and Other Crap..

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.