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Microsoft Office Available Over the Web For Free

For the first time, Microsoft will provide a free online version of Office that lets people store their documents on the Web rather than on their personal computers.

If all goes according to Microsoft’s plan, this technology, along with a host of other features, will persuade businesses and consumers to upgrade their Office software once again. “It is a remarkable moment,” said Stephen Elop, the president of Microsoft’s business software division, who will showcase Office 2010 on Wednesday at an event in New York.

Seen this in at least three places, and I’ve been trying to figure out why I don’t care about this, why I don’t think that Microsoft offering an online version of Office for free matters.

I think it’s because Microsoft already has this market sewn up. And also because that market is technologically static, irrelevant to the advance of information technology except as the most banal and invisible of tools. There’s no high in this tech.

And also Microsoft’s online offering changes nothing; I dislike Microsoft Office as much as I did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.

And also Microsoft doesn’t care» because they get my money regardless.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2010 3:15 PM.

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