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Monterey High Students Protest Teacher Transfers to Seaside

My senior year at Seaside High School, our counselors informed us that as a class, we had outperformed all other MPUSD schools on the annual standardized tests».

Today, Chelsea Balding explains that MPUSD administrators are

trying to take our oldest teachers away, teachers that have been here for 30 years and taught our parents, I think that's just rude that they're going to take away our teachers and send them over to Seaside just to fix their test scores[. . . .]

Monterey High Students march down Lighthouse Avenue

I’m pleased these students are concerned enough about their education and the education of their successors to march, and I’m stunned there are are not enough good teachers to staff both Seaside and Monterey so that the students’ standardized test scores qualify these schools for federal money.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2010 1:44 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Castro Residents Fed-Up with Ike’s.

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