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Unequivocal Evidence That Sleeping Too Much and Sleeping Too Little Is Directly Linked to Premature Death

With all my obligations and desires, sleep often takes a second seat to everything else, though I try to get at least six hours a day. I know this is not unusual and for many, like new parents, sleeplessness is a fact of life.

A wide study covering more than 1.3m people and more than 100,00 deaths finds a correlation between inadequate/excessive sleep and premature death.

The study provides unequivocal evidence of the direct link between both short (less than 6 hours sleep a night) and long (9 hours or more) duration of sleep and an increased chance of dying prematurely, compared to those who sleep 6-8 hours a night on average.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2010 7:19 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Sleep Continues to be Important, Though Reasons Are Unclear.

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